What is a carer?
A carer is anyone, including children and adults who look after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support.
If this sounds like you, then we are here to help. Make an appointment to speak to a doctor who will be able to provide you with information, advice and support.
Caring has been described as a ‘constant journey of discovery and understanding’. It brings challenges: response to the changing needs of those who you care caring for whilst navigating your way through the labyrinth to access health and care services.
There are various support agencies out there to help whatever your situation. We have listed a few below, but there are many more. You do not need to feel alone.
Carers Identity Passport

Are you an unpaid carer and want to be identified in healthcare settings? Get your FREE Carers Identity Passport here! For unpaid Carers of all ages in Norfolk & Waveney, it will enable Carers, the people you care for and healthcare staff to work together as a team.
Caring Together “Carers Speak Out!”
A brand new platform launched in 2022 for carers to share their experience of caring and their messages for decision-makers through a new webpage;
Share your insights into:
- What has been difficult or could have been better?
- What support is needed?
- What does the Government or local health and social care decision-makers need to change?
It is quick and easy to do, and carers can add their message anonymously if they wish to. It is open to any carer who wants to share their experiences.
Ahead of Carers Rights Day in November, messages from carers will be shared with local and national decision-makers and ask for their responses/pledges to help bring about the change that carers need. The messages will also be used to help raise awareness of the needs of carers of all ages amongst the public and media.