Contraceptive Coil Procedure – Feedback Survey

Please help us improve our service(s).

Contraceptive Coil Procedure

Contraceptive Coil Procedure

We are interested in your feedback on contraceptive coil fitting and removal. This is to promote high standards and improve services. Please complete this survey about the procedure you have recently had.

Which doctor carried out your coil procedure?
Were you happy with the information that you received prior to fitting?
Did you receive this information in a format that was acceptable to you and fully understood?
Did you feel that all staff treated you with dignity and your privacy was maintained at all times?
Was the procedure as you expected? If not please explain
0 of 100 max words
Leave blank if not applicable
Were you happy with the aftercare advice given at the fitting?
0 of 200 max words
Leave blank if not applicable
0 of 200 max words
Leave blank if not applicable