Well-fair in the Hive for University Mental Health Day!

Posted by: UEA Medical Centre - Posted on:

Date: Thursday 13-March 2025

Time: 11:00-15:00

Pop into the Hive to find out more about the range of mental health support that’s available to all UEA students, take part in activities to support your wellbeing plus there’s loads of free stuff to takeaway too!

University Mental Health Day is a day to get the nation talking about student mental health and to bring people together to highlight the importance of prioritising student wellbeing and support. That’s why Student Services, the Student Union, UEA Sport, Headucate, Career Central and external Mental Health charities have teamed up to showcase the support that is accessible for all UEA students. We also want emphasise the value of taking an active role in supporting your mental health but recognise that this looks different person-to-person so there’s a range of activities for you to get involved with on the day.

Find out further information about this event.